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Understanding ADDACS reports

ADDACS stands for the Automated Direct Debit Amendments and Cancellations Service.

An ADDACS report is produced when a change is made to the details of an existing Direct Debit Instruction. It provides information regarding the instruction and is made available to the Service User as soon as the paying bank has updated Bacs.

The Service User must act upon these changes within three working days.

It is important that the correct action is taken to be able to continue receiving payments. Failure to update details can lead to incorrect collections, indemnity claims, lost revenue and poor customer service.

There are various reasons that changes may be required and understanding these is important to be able to make the correct amendments.


Common reasons include:

  • Account closed
  • Instruction cancelled by payer
  • Account transferred to a new Bank or Building society
  • Advance notice disputed


While these are common reasons, there are many others that may be included in an ADDACS report.


Find out more about these reason codes and the appropriate actions to take in response to them at one of our Bacs-approved training courses.

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